Ayurveda in India

Friday, June 29, 2007

Ayurveda is a traditional branch of science that originated in India thousands of years ago. The study of Ayurveda is divided into eight parts, Kaya, Bal, Graha, Urdhwa, Shalya, Dhanstra, Jara and Vrishan. It is believed that every human is composed of Doshas which regulate and guide the structures and substances of the body. The understanding of the Doshas provides the base for the study of Ayurveda in India.

Often considered as an alternative medicine, Ayurveda in India is more than a medical system, it is a science of life. It helps human beings to maintain equilibrium with ones mind and body.

Ayurvedic medicines are made of herbs, minerals, metals and ingredients of animal origin.

India offers many Ayurveda Resorts which provide specialized therapy and treatment. Kerala houses some of the best Ayurveda Resorts in India.

Apollo Hospitals have a specialized Department of Alternative and Complementary Medicine which offers an Ayurveda Centre. The in-house pharmacy offers a range of Ayurvedic medicines.