Medical VISA to India

Friday, June 29, 2007

With India emerging as a preferred destination for medical tourists across the world, the demand for medical visas is on the rise. now offers you complete information on the conditions and requirements for obtaining a medical visa to India. The conditions can be summed up in the following points:

  • Indian Missions and Posts abroad may scrutinize all medical documents to make sure that the request for a medical treatment visa is a valid one.

  • The Missions may also seek details to satisfy themselves that the applicant has sought preliminary medical advice at his / her country of origin / residence and has been advised to go for specialized treatment. In case, the person desires to undergo treatment under the Indian System of Medicine, he / she can also present his / her case for consideration.

  • A Medical Visa to India should be granted only for medical treatment in reputed / recognized centers. Though there are many treatments that can be considered for a medical visa to India, some of the following treatments are always given primary importance: Neuro-Surgery, ophthalmic disorders, heart treatments, renal disorders, organ transplants, congenital disorders, gene therapy, plastic surgery, radio therapy and so on.

Validity of Indian Medical Visas and extension

The initial period for medical visas to India can be up to a period of 1 year or the period of treatment (whichever is less). The visa can also be extended to up to 1 year by the State Governments / FRRO’s on production of medical certificate from reputed / recognized hospitals in the country. Further extensions will be validated by the Ministry of Home Affairs only on recommendations of the State Government / FRRO’s ably supported by valid medical documents. Such visas will be valid for a maximum of three entries during 1 year. State Governments / FRRO’s can also permit an additional entry in urgent situations.

Visas to attendants / family members

Attendants or family members of medical patients traveling to India will be given miscellaneous visas co-terminus with the ‘M Visa’ of the patient. Such visas can be granted to the spouse / children or blood relations of the patient. It must also be noted that not more than two attendants will be considered for miscellaneous visas at a given time. Such visas will be called ‘MX visas’. These persons also need to get themselves registered with the local FRRO’s / FRO’s within 14 days from the date of arrival.


Foreign nationals traveling on ‘M visas’ will have to get themselves registered with the concerned FRRO’s / FRO’s within 14 days of arrival in India.

Registration for Pakistani and Bangladeshi Nationals

Medical Visas to India are available to all foreign nationals including China, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Though it must be mentioned that the registration formalities for Pakistani and Bangladeshi nationals will have to conform to the provisions stated in para 106 (for Bangladeshi nationals) and para 118 (for Pakistani nationals) of the Visa Manual. Nationals from these countries will need to conform to the entry and departure procedures as per the existing policy for their countries.


Pulsar Maniac said...

Medical Visa Requirements for India

Patients from all over the world prefer to come to India for getting their medical treatments since they can get the same high quality health-care services from reputed medical institutions at a fraction of the cost found in their home countries. The Indian Government openly supports the practice of Medical Travel and it provides Indian Medical visas, the ‘M’ visas for the people from foreign countries who need specialized treatments in India.